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Denture Care

First and foremost, it's important to note that only a dental professional is qualified to diagnose your oral health and adjust your dentures. With that being said, there are steps you can take to maintain your dentures on a daily basis.


To start, it's recommended that you brush your dentures inside and outside daily with a soft, large nylon denture toothbrush with round-ended bristles. Instead of using toothpaste, which can be too abrasive and scratch your dentures, opt for denture creams. Additionally, rinse your dentures with cold water, as hot water can cause them to warp.


Regularly inspect your dentures for worn teeth, as this can not only make them look stained and old, but also cause them to function poorly. It's also important to discuss any current medications with your doctor and dental professional, as certain medications can affect your oral health.


Be sure to visit your dental professional regularly, and if you notice any loose dentures, have them checked immediately. Loose dentures can cause friction and pressure on your gum tissues and bones.


Lastly, when you're not using your dentures, be sure to cover them with water or a denture-cleaning solution to prevent them from drying out. And remember, most dental insurance policies provide coverage for new dentures every five years.


By following these tips, you can ensure your dentures stay in great condition and help you maintain your oral health.

Immediate Dentures

If you need to have all of your remaining teeth removed, an immediate denture could be the solution you're looking for. This type of denture can help you avoid the discomfort and embarrassment of living without teeth. At Shenandoah Dental Center, we can prepare your immediate denture before your teeth are extracted, so that it can be inserted as soon as your teeth are removed.


The process begins with taking impressions of your existing teeth and gums, which we will use to create an accurate duplicate of your mouth. Once your teeth are removed, your immediate denture is inserted to create a natural-looking smile.


Here are a few things you should know about immediate dentures:


  • In most cases, we won't be able to check the fit of the denture in your mouth before your teeth are extracted. As a result, some esthetic compromises may be necessary to ensure a good fit.

  • After your teeth are removed, your gums and bone will begin to recede. This means that regular check-ups and maintenance will be necessary to monitor healing and reduce problems.

  • Temporary liners or tissue conditioners may be required to help your immediate denture fit properly during the healing process. These may need to be adjusted or replaced several times before a permanent reline is possible.


At Shenandoah Dental Center, we can help you determine whether an immediate denture is right for you. We will work with you to create a treatment plan that meets your individual needs. Please note that temporary liners, tissue conditioners, and relines may require additional fees.


If you have any questions about the benefits of immediate dentures or would like to schedule a consultation, please contact us today. We look forward to helping you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

Implant-Retained Dentures

Replace missing teeth with implant-retained dentures


Usually, when you lose a tooth, it is best for your oral health to have it replaced. Missing teeth can affect your “bite” as well as your ability to speak and chew. Their loss can increase the burden on your remaining teeth and can cause muscle pain in your jaws and headaches. And of course, losing a tooth can affect your appearance. The following information reviews replacing missing teeth with an implant retained denture.


Although many patients have no problem wearing an upper denture, some people find it difficult to wear and eat with lower dentures. Several implant-supported replacement options are available if you are missing all of your lower teeth. There is also a specific replacement option available if you are missing all your upper teeth.


Benefits of Implant-Retained Dentures


  • Improved confidence

  • Stability during eating

  • Bone and gum preservation

  • Improved dental hygiene

  • Superior esthetics

  • Nutritional benefits


What if I’m missing all of my lower teeth?


A range of treatment options is also available to completely replace missing teeth in your lower jaw. Please read about the features of Ball Attachment Dentures, Bar Attachment Dentures, and Screw-retained Dentures for more information. Please call our office if you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment.


Ball Attachment Denture


One option is to have two dental implants placed in your lower jaw and a denture made, which then snaps onto these implants. This option allows your lower denture to be more stable while chewing than without implants. However, there will still be movement of your lower denture, and sore spots will occur if any food particles, especially seeds, are caught under it. As with all removable replacement teeth, you still will need periodic appointments for denture adjustment.


Bar Attachment Denture


Another option involves placing four to six implants, depending on your jaw size or shape, into your lower jaw. After healing is complete, the implants are connected with a custom-made support bar. Your denture will be made with special internal retention clips that attach onto the support bar, enabling the denture to snap firmly into place. This is called an “overdenture.” The advantage of this option is that it is much more stable than the Ball Attachment option and allows very little denture movement. Your denture is still removable for easy cleaning and maintenance.


Screw-Retained Denture


A third option involves placing five or more implants in your jaw and attaching a permanent denture. Your denture is held in place by screws or clasps that secure it to the support posts or bar. It doesn’t touch the gum tissue, which allows you to clean under the denture without removing it. This denture will replace all your missing lower teeth and will not be removed except at maintenance visits. Although cleaning under your denture without removing it is more time consuming and requires more dexterity, many patients who want a permanent denture prefer this option.


What If I’m Missing All Of My Upper Teeth?


A similar range of treatment options is also available for your upper jaw. However, because the bone is not as hard as that in the lower jaw, people often need more dental implants to support their new replacement teeth. Depending upon the number of implants to be placed, it may be possible to eliminate the need for covering the roof of your mouth with a complete denture. This option allows you to fully taste your food and gives you a better sense of its temperature. Your denture will feel more natural. You will still have a removable denture, which makes cleaning the support bar and denture much easier.

Implant-Retained Upper Denture


Depending upon the number of implants to be placed, it may be possible to eliminate the need for covering the roof of your mouth with a complete denture. This option allows you to fully taste your food and gives you a better sense of its temperature. Your denture will feel more natural. You will still have a removable denture, which makes cleaning the support bar and denture much easier.


Please call our office if you have any questions or wish to discuss if Implant-Retained Dentures are right for you.

Partial Dentures

A removable partial denture is a dental prosthesis designed to replace one or more missing teeth, customized to meet the unique needs of each patient. Missing teeth can affect the appearance of a person's smile, make it harder to eat, and can cause speech difficulties. Partial dentures restore the natural appearance and speech clarity of the patient while enabling them to eat more efficiently.


Partial dentures are made from different materials such as metal and acrylic or completely out of acrylic. The dentist considers the patient's specific needs and anatomy to create a partial denture design that preserves the remaining teeth and oral tissues while maintaining a self-cleansing function. The chewing forces are evenly distributed over the entire surface area of the remaining teeth and soft tissues, and changes to the remaining teeth may be recommended to equalize these forces.


Metal partials are preferred as they are structurally superior, thinner, and more hygienic than an acrylic partial. Acrylic partials are usually used as a transitional or temporary partial. The skilled dentists at Shenandoah Dental Center will provide a comprehensive consultation to determine the appropriate partial denture for your situation.


Partial dentures provide many benefits, including limiting the movement of natural teeth and allowing for better chewing and grinding of food, which improves digestion. The dentists at Shenandoah Dental Center will answer any questions and provide you with more information about partial dentures to determine if this dental solution is right for you.

Exams & Maintenance

Investing in dentures is a significant decision, and maintaining them in optimal condition is crucial to ensure their longevity and functionality. To avoid complications, dentures require regular care and attention. Annual dental examinations are necessary to keep your dentures functioning correctly.


During your annual dental exam, our dentists will update your medical and dental history chart, assess your oral cavity, examine your tissue and bone, and evaluate your denture's stability and bite. They will also clean and polish your denture and review your oral hygiene routine.


Maintaining your medical and dental history is essential to identify significant changes that may affect the fit of your dentures. Some medical and dental conditions can cause an ill-fitting denture, which can have adverse effects on your oral health.


Annual dental examinations can help detect any oral abnormalities, including cancerous and pre-cancerous lesions. Early detection of such conditions can be beneficial for treatment.


Ill-fitting dentures can cause bone and tissue changes and need to be corrected for your oral health. Our dental practice can assess your dentures' comfort, fit, and integrity and recommend solutions tailored to your specific needs. Bite problems, speech impediments, and tissue irritations can be caused by ill-fitting dentures, and leaving them unchecked can lead to complications in the future.


During your annual denture exam, our dentists will assess your dentures for cracks, chips, and broken or loose teeth and recommend appropriate solutions.


If you have any questions or wish to schedule a Denture Exam and Maintenance appointment, please call our office.

Denture Relines

When you first get new dentures, they fit securely because they are custom-made for your gums. However, as time passes, your gum tissues change, causing the denture to become loose and move around in your mouth. To keep your denture secure and functional, it's essential to have it professionally relined every one to two years.


There are three basic denture reline options: hard, soft, and temporary. A hard reline is recommended every two years for all full dentures. During this process, our dentists remove a layer of plastic from the interior surface of the denture and fill it with a putty-like material that conforms to the contours of your mouth, creating an accurate impression. The denture is then adjusted to fit the new shape of your gum tissue, resulting in maximum contact between the denture and your mouth.


If you have tender gums or sore spots, our dentists may recommend a soft reline that uses a pliable material that stays flexible for one to two years before needing replacement. This type of reline is less likely to cause sore spots than the standard hard reline acrylic. Patients experiencing these issues may also consider implant-retained dentures as a more permanent solution.


In cases where a patient's gums are red, swollen, or misshapen due to lack of denture maintenance, our dentists may recommend a temporary or palliative (medicated) reline material. This reline allows the inflammation to subside and makes the denture fit much more tightly. After a few weeks, the gums return to a more normal state, and the patient is then ready for a new denture or hard reline.


If you have any questions or wish to schedule an appointment for a Denture Reline, please call our office. Regular denture maintenance and relining are essential to keep your dentures secure and functional, and to maintain your oral health.

Soft Denture Liners

If you're experiencing discomfort with your dentures, a soft denture liner may provide you with relief. This layer of soft, pliable material is placed between the surface of your denture and your oral tissues to absorb the shock and pressure between the hard base of the denture and your gums. Soft liners can be fitted into new dentures or retrofitted into your existing dentures.


At Shenandoah Dental Center we offer permanent soft liners for patients with receded or flattened gum tissues that don't respond well to denture stress, as well as for those with chronically sore gum tissues or gums with sharp bony areas.


Benefits of Soft Denture Liners:


  • Improved comfort

  • Easier chewing

  • Most patients respond well to soft liner materials

  • Proven technology with over 20 years of innovation


To ensure the best fit and oral health, it's important to have regular follow-up visits with our dentists at Shenandoah Dental Center. Contact us today to learn more about soft denture liners and schedule an appointment.

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